ACUC 2019


what a year!

Yes, 2019 was the first edition of Adventure Clean Up Challenge and we were mesmerised by the passion, commitment and energy each and every one of the teams displayed. Throughout the whole month, 1.327 large bags of trash were collected and properly disposed of - which for most of the teams meant carrying the bags uphill, with ropes and bamboo sticks! -.

Also, 2 tonnes of bulky items were removed from 2 main sites - including surfboards, old fridges and AC units, microwaves and a large engine!

Finally, teams also work on engaging with their communities by doing school talks and a spontaneous outreach in Central during a public holiday.

All in all, collectively the teams put out 840 volunteer wo/man hours to achieve this outstanding result. We celebrated their efforts during our closing ceremony and thanks to our generous supporters, each team received a prize.

The winning team - HK Outsider led by Roland Sharman - was recognised for its virtuosity (having the most challenging site to clean up from a physical and technical point of view), its effort (they did 8 clean ups in total) and their awareness raising, through social media and school talks.

Click here to see ACUC 2019 participants in action